To Empower The Hindu Culture Through Social Harmony
Your donations help us fulfill our charitable aim.
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Donate by Bank Transfer:
Please make the donation to the following banking address
Hindu Devi Mandir & Cultural Centre
Lloyds Bank Plc
UK Trsanfer
A/c Name: Hindu Devi Mandir and Cultural Centre
A/c No: 30779860
Sort Code: 30-95-96
Lloyds Bank Plc
International Trsanfer
IBAN No: GB75LOYD30959630779860
BIC Code: LOYDGB21380
Gift Aid
Did you know you can increase the value of your donation by 25% at no additional cost? If you are a UK taxpayer then all you have to do is click the gift aid option on the donation page and we will then receive an additional 25% of the amount you give us, directly from the Inland Revenue. You must pay an amount of income or capital gains tax at least equal to 25% of the value of your donation. Find out more about Gift Aid.
If you’d like to know more about the CIO, you can find out more on the Charity Commission website.